The rattle on the window makes me sit up and look out. The hail and snow are horizontal. Outside on the bird table, the Siskins, Sparrows and Goldfinches are stuffing themselves with homemade fat balls, peanuts and wild bird seed. They are lucky to be so well fed.
Preparing for the spring.
It’s time to prepare for the spring as we emerge from our winter hibernation. Eating out in the local restaurants is still a dream as everywhere is closed, preparing for the forthcoming season.

Do you want to cook every day?
Some guests love to use their holiday to cook and enjoy our well equipped kitchens. Others prefer to eat out. The West Highlands specialises in delicious food. The emphasis is on fresh meat and fish where the hill ground is used to raise lamb and beef. Most young animals are sold in the autumn to overwinter elsewhere but an increasing number are kept to supply local restaurants. Red Deer are plentiful and venison is popular.
Meat or Fish?
The sea is bountiful with langoustine (or prawns), lobster, crab and scallops on many menus. The prawns are caught in pots and hauled from the sea by hand. In the summer months lobsters emerge from the depths to shallower water and scallops are harvested by dredging or diving. (Before ordering, we recommend that you enquire about the fishing method as dredging damages the sea floor). Salmon, mussels and oysters are farmed all over the west coast. Most of the seafood is exported so we are lucky to be able to eat it here SO FRESH.